July 15, 2022
Thankful Thursday: Our ripple just got bigger... and it couldn't have happened without your help.
I am excited to share that our first wave of royalties from Elevate your Voice book sales came through. 📕📗📘
Celebrating this moment with you because it allowed us to initiate our first round of micro-loans supporting women as they start and/or grow their own business.

We were able to provide funding for NINETEEN women with this round of micro loans. We know the impact of their work will continue to radiate throughout their families and communities for years to come... just as the impact of the book will continue to have on all who read it.
Your enthusiasm for the authors, their stories, and their impact -- helped get this book into the hands of people across North America The sales generated in the process created this next wave of goodness.
It's such a beautiful thing!
From the bottom of our very grateful authors hearts we say: THANK YOU for helping make this a reality. 📚📕📚📗📚📘
If you have not gotten your hands on this wonderful book yet and would like the proceeds to go toward future micro loans, click on this link to grab your copy and continue the ripple. https://amzn.to/3JQfb9G
If you would like a personalized copy from me, click on this link. I will gladly get it on its way to you. https://www.mindfulmnt.com/products/elevate-your-voice-book
#elevateyourvoicebook #stephanietalia #stephaniesmindfulsolutions #lovetheskinyourein #hope #inspriation #kiva #microloans