Here’s a list of some of the benefits of Dead Sea Mud:
1. Exfoliates & Detoxifies - As the mud dries on your skin, it absorbs toxins, dirt, dead skin cells, and excess oils. Rinse the mud off after it is dried and impurities are washed away, leaving you with fresher, healthier, more radiant skin.
2. Nourishes Skin - At the same time the mud is stripping away impurities, it’s also infusing your skin with nourishing minerals that help keep it soft and hydrated. The unique mineral composition of over 21 different minerals restores skin, improving texture and tone and giving you a healthy glow.
3. Alleviates Dry Skin Conditions - The skin nourishing minerals in Dead Sea mud are known to help alleviate the symptoms of dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. The mud helps restore moisture and relieve symptoms, soothing dry, rough, irritated skin.
4. Anti-Aging - Dead Sea mud provides anti-aging benefits by tightening and toning skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and shrinking pores. It helps improve blood circulation and stimulate skin cell turnover.