June 04, 2020

It’s not only Thursday, it is National Clean Beauty Day!
This picture of ME was taken today. I am living the National Clean Beauty Day everyday now from my non-toxic, natural skin and body care all the way to my clean, non-toxic makeup. You see it was not always that way, this has been a life long journey for me to be comfortable in my own skin (figuratively and literally). You may not know or see it, but I have suffered for years with skin discomfort, flare ups and reactions to toxic products I was using. Granted, I did not know they were toxic until I went on this journey. I have learned so much and continue to learn about hidden dangers in products as well as what to use to calm and heal the skin and body quickly.
I used to have skin issues (dry, itchy, angry and red skin). For years I searched for products/solutions that worked and gave me relief only to have to throw them away because my skin rejected them or they just did not work. I used to use steroid creams to calm my skin during the rough times. Not something you want to do long term as steroid cream tends to thin the skin with prolonged use.
Some things or questions to think about that I have learned during my journey:
🔹Did you know that skin is the largest organ on your body?
🔹Did you know that you absorb 60% of what you come in contact with through your skin and into the blood stream?
🔹Did you know that fragrance is considered a trademark secret?
🔹Did you know that manufactures are protected in the US from disclosing toxic chemicals they hide in fragrance?
🔹Did you know that the European Union has banned over 1,300 chemicals that cannot be used in products, yet the US has only banned like 13 from products?
Trading out even 1 or 2 products you use with toxins with clean beauty products can make a difference in your health and the way your body functions. If you or someone you know has skin issues and would like to discuss natural non-toxic solutions…PLEASE PM & FEEL FREE TO SHARE. I would love to hear your story, help and share the natural, non-toxic solutions I have found that work. Everyone should be comfortable in their own skin.
Stay well and have a terrific Thursday!